Nic fit: Woman with ‘anger problem’ accused of throwing camping lantern at daughter over missing cigarettes

Nic fit: Woman with ‘anger problem’ accused of throwing camping lantern at daughter over missing cigarettes

SILVER SPRINGS, Fla. – The call to authorities concerned a burglary but sheriff’s deputies ended up arresting a woman for attempted battery on her daughter, plus a drug charge.

The woman was missing her cigarettes at a homeless camp in Florida on Dec. 12.

Deputies showed up the next day and reported her daughter told them, “The defendant threw a lantern at her during an altercation.”

The arrest report said she explained, “The defendant became upset due to not being able to find her cigarettes and thought the victim had taken them. The defendant called the victim derogatory names.

“The victim stated she attempted to retreat to her tent when the defendant threw a lamp at her while stating, ‘you lying b****.’ The lamp did not strike the victim and landed approximately two feet from her. The victim felt the defendant was trying to strike her with the lamp.”

So did witnesses, one of whom quoted the suspect as saying “You’re lucky I missed!” after the lantern landed.

Nic fit: Woman with ‘anger problem’ accused of throwing camping lantern at daughter over missing cigarettes
Beverly Faye Isbelle was arrested for (from left) giving false information to police in 2020, aggravated assault in 2022, 3 drug charges in August 2024, and battery and possession of drug paraphernalia in December. (Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office)

“She told us that she had an argument, threw the lantern at the victim, but missed,” deputies wrote. “She stated she was angry over the missing cigarettes. I placed her under arrest and a search incident to arrest revealed a makeshift smoking device in her purse.

“The defendant previously admitted to use of narcotics,” the arrest report said. “The residue found in the device tested positive for fentanyl.”

Beverly Faye Isbelle was charged with domestic violence battery and possession of drug paraphernalia. Both are misdemeanors.

Order to Revoke Bond, Dec. 14, 2024 by Lenny Cohen on Scribd

The next day, the judge in her previous case, four months earlier, revoked her bond.

Isbelle had been arrested on three drug charges last August: possession of methamphetamine, possession of a small amount of cannabis, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

An agent with the Unified Drug Enforcement Strike Team executing a search warrant reported finding Isbelle on the property, “sleeping on a couch outside of the shed with her dogs. There was no other occupant located in this area.

“During a search of this area,” the arrest report continued, “[An agent] located a brown leather purse containing a white container. Located inside of the container was a green leafy substance and a white crystal substance. Also located in the brown leather purse was a pack of ‘305’s’ cigarettes with a red pipe commonly used for the use of narcotics.”

The pipe reportedly tested positive for methamphetamine content. So did the white crystal substance. And the green leafy substance was positive for THC content.

“In the same brown leather purse,” the arrest report said, “[Another agent] located a green debit card from Regions Bank. The card contained the name ‘Beverly F. Isbelle,’ which is the defendant’s name.”

Isbelle told the agents, “She sleeps on the couch in front of the shed,” and she has “permission of the homeowner.” That homeowner was described in another arrest report as her boyfriend, and he was in jail at the time of this arrest, though not in Marion County and no charge was mentioned.

“The defendant stated she has a brown leather purse which should contain a Netspend card and a Regions Bank card belonging to her. The defendant stated there should also be marijuana in her purse. The defendant advised she does not have a medical marijuana card, and as is in the process of getting one. The defendant stated she does not know about the methamphetamine, which was located in the same container as the marijuana.”

Isbelle was released after six days in jail. Then, on Dec. 14, the judge ordered her bond revoked after her latest arrest.

Finally in this case, on Jan. 8, she changed her pleas to each of the charges to no contest.

Isbelle was sentenced to two years of probation with a month and six days served for the meth. She got a month and six days in jail with time served for the marijuana and paraphernalia.

At her daughter’s home in 2022, Isbelle was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill after accusing her daughter’s friend of stealing.

“The victim advised she went into another room to get away from the defendant,“ the arrest report said, “[and] when she was closing the door, the defendant threw a knife at the door.”

Police showed up and reported seeing “the knife that was thrown, stuck in the wall.

“I attempted to speak with the defendant,” an officer wrote, “but she would not come out of her bedroom.” The officer also noted the victim saying she wanted to press charges.

Announcement of No Information, Nov. 22, 2022 by Lenny Cohen on Scribd

Isbelle spent more than a month in jail and was released on her own recognizance. A month after that, prosecutors decided not to pursue the charge, writing the state was “unable to proceed without victim cooperation.”

Prosecutors also dropped charges against Isbelle on two other occasions.

She was charged with battery on her roommate at her daughter’s house in 2021.

Police showed up to Isbelle “shouting about having an altercation [after] their dogs had been in a fight a few days prior, and she wanted the victim to pay the vet bill for her dog.

“The defendant stated that the victim was ‘running her mouth’ so a physical altercation took place. Shortly after stating this, the defendant began having a seizure and the interview was stopped to provide medical aid.”

Paramedics took Isbelle to the hospital.

Police said Isbelle’s daughter told them, “The defendant has an anger problem and charged into the victim’s room and began striking the victim.”

The homeowner, who also lives there, said, “They were able to subdue the defendant and prevent further altercation.”

According to the victim, “They were able to hold the subject down to prevent any further altercation.”

Later, at the hospital, police said Isbelle told them, “The victim was running her mouth so she hit her in the face one time. She stated that she was then held down.”

Isbelle had been adjudicated guilty of dozens of county ordinances involving animals over the past few years.

Nolle Prosequi, March 21, 2022 by Lenny Cohen on Scribd

Three months after this arrest, the victim decided against prosecution so the state dropped the charge, writing “the likelihood of conviction is slight.”

And in 2020, Isbelle was arrested on a warrant more than a month after she was charged with providing false information to a law enforcement officer.

It happened during a missing person investigation at her boyfriend’s home. The subject was a 15-year-old runaway from foster care, who was allegedly hiding there.

Deputies wrote Isbelle told them, “You will never find her. I was a runaway when I was a juvenile and you guys never found me!”

Nolle Prosequi, Feb. 2, 2021 by Lenny Cohen on Scribd

A few months later, prosecutors determined, “After further investigation into the facts and circumstances, the likelihood of a conviction at a criminal trial is slight,” so they dropped the charge.

This time, Isbelle, 54, may not have smoked a cigarette since her arrest on Dec. 13. Her bond was set at $2,000 each on the battery and drug equipment charges, and she has neither paid it nor been released.

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