EUSTIS, Fla. – This is one of those cases where a traffic stop led to an arrest for a felony, but that happened to one woman three times in less than two years – twice in less than two weeks – in two different vehicles.
A police officer in Florida wrote about seeing “a 2003 Gray GMC Yukon leaving [a gas station] parking lot with an unreadable license plate” shortly after midnight on Saturday, Sept. 14.
“I proceeded behind the vehicle to conduct a traffic stop,” he wrote. “I attempted to read the license plate by driving just a few feet behind it, and I was still unable to read the characters on the tag.”
The SUV turned twice. Then, “I activated my emergency lights to conduct a traffic stop,” but, “The driver of the vehicle continued to drive westbound and did not stop.”
Finally, she stopped and, “Once I walked up to the vehicle, I was able to read the license plate,” the officer wrote.
According to the arrest report, Amanda Elaine Fields “stated she did not know why she was being pulled over, and I explained to her the license plate on the vehicle was not readable.”
There was no mention of Fields already knowing that.

“I asked Amanda for her driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance.
“Amanda stated she did not have any of the items I requested. Amanda stated she did not have a valid driver’s license, only a Florida identification card.
“I asked Amanda why she did not stop … when she saw a Eustis police car flashing red and blue lights behind her. Amanda stated she was going to her friend’s house and that is why she pulled into the driveway.”

Soon, “Lake County dispatch advised Amanda’s license was suspended” indefinitely five times and canceled once for violations from August 2020 through April 2024.
Fields was arrested and a third officer “deployed his K9 partner Hulk, [and] K9 Hulk showed a positive alert for narcotics in the vehicle,” the arrest report said.
Authorities reported finding “a broken glass pipe with brown residue in it [that] tested positive for fentanyl.” The also reported a red cut straw in a suitcase with positive results for cocaine.
That was Fields’ second arrest in less than two weeks.
On the evening of Sept. 3, another officer noticed the same vehicle “with an unreadable Florida tag,” but Fields was the passenger.
“I notified both the reason of the traffic stop to which the female advised they knew the tag had paint on it,” the officer wrote.
“They didn’t know how to remove the black paint off without harming the existing paint. The passenger later provided me with a [different name] with a [different] date of birth.”

A different K9 officer “deployed his K9 narcotic detection partner Goro on the vehicle,” and reportedly found “three cut straws with white powder residue, a piece of burnt Brillo pad in a ball, and a clear container containing a white rock-like substance. … It should be noted, all the items that were located were in the vicinity of the passenger, Amanda.”
She was arrested and later “provided me with her ID card with her correct name.”
Fields was charged with possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.
The first of her arrests happened on the evening of Jan. 3, 2023, when she left a gas station in a red Cadillac registered to a man who had “a well-being check on 11/08/2022 [with Fields] also attached to the call.”
That officer learned Fields “did not possess a valid license and had four suspensions” at that point, plus “an active Lake County civil writ for arrest.”
Fields gave the officer “her Florida ID card” and while he was waiting for “dispatch to confirm the warrant,” he deployed his “certified narcotic detection K9 partner Mya around the vehicle.”
The officer reportedly found in her purse a single “white pill with the markings of ‘M367’ [that] was positively identified as hydrocodone, [which] is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance.”
“Fields stated her friend was prescribed the pill,” the arrest report said.
Also, “Dispatch confirmed the warrant and Fields was placed under arrest.”
Months later, in May, court records show she “was present” in court “earlier, but left,” and Fields was arrested for failure to appear.
The next month, she pleaded no contest to the original charges and was sentenced to 30 days in jail with 20 days credited. She also had to pay several hundred dollars in fees, service charges, costs, and fines.
This latest time, Fields was charged with knowingly driving with the suspended license-third or subsequent offense and possession of drug paraphernalia. Plus, her bond for contempt of court and possession or use of drug equipment was revoked.
Fields, 41, has been in jail ever since.
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